General Plan Advisory Committee

Role of General Plan Advisory Committee

The General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) is an ad hoc committee, with 27 members, established by the Mayor and City Council to update the City’s General Plan. The GPAC serves as an important component of the public participation program providing one of the primary communication channels for the community to make recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council.

Committee members participated in 27 meetings to help shape the plan by providing informed and innovative input to the project team. GPAC meetings are intended to build knowledge, trust and understanding of the plan's purpose, process and potential effects.

Participation by members appointed to the GPAC is temporary; GPAC members concluded their service at our last meeting in January 2024, while the GPAC chair will remain available to assist through public hearings and City Council approval. Between 2017 and 2024, committee members worked hard to provide valuable community insight into the City's Focused General Plan Update and advise on the Artesia & Aviation Corridors Area Plan (AACAP), which was adopted by the City Council in December 2020.  

Agendas and minutes from all GPAC meetings are available for reference and review.

GPAC comments on the Public Review Draft General Plan Update (2/23/2024) are available for reference and review. 

Two images of GPAC members at work

Purpose of the GPAC

The purpose of the GPAC has been to provide recommendations to City Staff and to the consultant team regarding strategic milestones in the process (Land Use Plan, Focus Areas, etc.) and to assist in the formation of City goals and policies with respect to land use, noise, safety, and conservation, recreation and parks, and open space. Another crucial function of the GPAC was to analyze and make recommendations regarding the Artesia & Aviation Corridors Area Plan, which has since been adopted by the City and implemented with a series of amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance, that serve to "activate" the Area Plan and encourage restaurants with outdoor dining and office uses to better serve the surrounding neighborhoods.

Questions that the GPAC has wrestled with, debated, and formed opinions and recommendations on since they began the General Plan update process back in 2017!
  • What do people say they want their City to be in the future?
  • What is the "Vision" and what are the "Guiding Principles" of the City of Redondo Beach?
  • What physical form and character should be achieved?
  • How can this be translated into a set of compatible, consistent, short and long-range City goals and policies?
The GPAC is in their final phase of the General Plan update process. Their dedication, diligence, and rigorous analysis and debate have served to make the draft General Plan reflective of what the GPAC members consider important to the City concerning its future land uses, parks, open spaces, and environment. The Committee members have served to  help make these goals and policies a part of the decision-making process through their recommendations, recognizing that the final determination ultimately rests with City Council.

GPAC Members

The Mayor and City Council nominated each appointment to GPAC. All GPAC members must reside within the City of Redondo Beach. The GPAC initially numbered 27 members. Currently there are 20 active GPAC committee members. 

Nick Biro, Chair
Bhuvan Bajaj
Leslie Chrzan
Howard Eller
Craig Funabashi
Rob Gaddis
Jim Hannon
Matt Kilroy
Sheila Lamb
Jim Light
Tonya McKenzie
Paul Moses
Candace Nafissi
Bob Pinzler
Paul Samaras
Phil Sanchez, Vice-Chair
John Simpson
Matt Stodder
Charlie Szymanski
Brad Waller

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