

What's New?

Draft General Plan documents available online!

Online commenting was available from February 2024 through April 15, 2024, and the online commenting platform has now closed. 
PDF documents remain available for download, and comments can be emailed to

>> PDF documents are available for review

Upcoming Community Open House - Spring/Summer 2024
>> Open House 2: Focused Zoning Code and Local Coastal Program Updates (Late Spring/Early Summer 2024)

About PLANredondo

Beginning in 2016, the City initiated a focused General Plan update to shape the goals and policies that serve as the City’s foundation for growth and development over the subsequent 20-30 years. The effort has been informed by community input and guided by a General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC). The GPAC was comprised of 27 Redondo Beach residents appointed by the Mayor and City Council who have provided input and community insight throughout the planning process, concluding with their final meeting in January of 2024.

PLANredondo encompasses the focused General Plan update of four (4) elements,  as well as related efforts to implement the proposed General Plan, including:

Get Involved!

The City invites all residents, business owners, and interested parties to learn more about the General Plan Update process and to participate in shaping the future of Redondo Beach! We have several upcoming opportunities to participate including: 

  • Public hearings in the Fall of 2024.
    • Planning Commission
    • City Council

Stay informed

There are several ways to stay informed about PLANredondo efforts, including:


  • Email us at

Draft General Plan Cover

Focused General Plan Update

The City of Redondo Beach General Plan is a comprehensive planning document covering various topics that establishes goals and policies to guide decision makers and the community to create a better City for everyone.

Redondo Beach has updated portions of its General Plan through focused efforts since it was last comprehensively revised in 1992. The current effort focuses on updating four (4) elements (Land Use, Open Space and Conservation, Safety, and Noise) that were last updated in 1992. These four elements will combine with elements that are not being updated to compose the City’s comprehensive General Plan. 

The focused update also includes a new Introduction, which includes a vision statement (Vision 2050), Guiding Principles developed as part of the process by the City's General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), growth projections by 2050, and implementation actions. 

>>Learn more about the Focused General Plan update and download PDF versions of the draft documents.

zoomed in thumbnail of the City's current zoning map

Focused Zoning Code Update

The City's Zoning Code is one of the primary tools through which the City implements the General Plan. The General Plan identifies the general types of uses and intensities appropriate for each area of the city, while the zoning code sets the specific standards that regulate development. 

The City is conducting a focused update to align the zoning code with the draft General Plan update and implement zoning-related programs outlined in the City's Housing Element (adopted in 2022 through a separate process). 

Draft materials will be available for public review in Spring 2024.

Thumbnail map of coastal zone

Focused Local Coastal Program Update

A portion of the city falls within the state's Coastal Zone, an area along the California coast subject to the Coastal Act. The Coastal Act is administered by the California Coastal Commission to regulate development along the coast, preserve sensitive lands, and ensure public access. To ensure development is consistent with the Coastal Act, all development in the coastal zone is subject to the City's Local Coastal Program (LCP), which must be certified by the California Coastal Commission. The LCP contains rules and regulations for future development and protection of coastal resources by specifying the appropriate location, type, and scale of new or changed uses. 

Changes to the General Plan and Zoning Code cannot be implemented in the coastal zone until they are certified by the California Coastal Commission through an amended LCP. 

The City is conducting a focused update to align the LCP with the focused updates to the General Plan and Zoning Codes. 

Draft materials will be available for public review in Spring 2024.

Cover of Artesia and Aviation Corridors Area Plan

Artesia and Aviation Corridors Area Plan

Adopted by City Council on December 8, 2020

The Artesia and Aviation Corridors Area Plan (AACAP) provides a tool kit of action items to transform the underutilized and aging commercial uses along Artesia and Aviation Boulevards into the “Main Street of North Redondo,” by activating, energizing, and revitalizing the Corridors through thoughtful placemaking efforts.  

Cover of Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Adopted by City Council on July 7, 2020

The Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) allows public safety officials and city staff, elected officials, and members of the public understand the threats from natural and human-caused hazards in our community. The plan will also recommend specific actions to proactively decrease these threats before disasters occur.

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